Call 961-1127 after 2pm weekdays to make an appointment.
Before calling, please read below.
The CSA production is free on First Friday to those who have not previously used this service. After the one free CSA the charge is $30 for announcements made on CSA Day (the first Friday of each month).
Preparation for your appointment is essential. Each CSA appointment is 30 minutes long - enough time if you are prepared. . .
How to prepare for CSA- Please call before Friday if you have questions
What is your script: What do you want to say? It is best to keep short, practice saying it while timing it, shorter is usually better than long - 1 minute or less is optimal.
We have a Teleprompter:
If you want to read on the teleprompter what you want to say, write script and save as a Word ("text") file and email to [email protected] or bring it in on a flash drive.
If you have questions about how to make a Text file, please call for help before Friday.
The Script for the teleprompter - needs big type double spaced and only about 30 letters (5-6 words) per line.
What picture or background do you want? See samples CSA's for ideas about what works for background.
You are responsible to send or bring us digital files (video or stills) for backgrounds. Video files should not be more than 1mb .
What contact info, and/or date of event do you want to be seen on screen?. Come with the information you want written out.
What to wear for CSA? It is a good idea to bring along a 2nd choice of clothing- tops only are seen generally.
The first rule is to not wear anything with green, do not bring an object that is green. Even colors that have a lightest tiniest bit of green will be a problem- The video camera will see any green as black
Do not wear tops with checks, plaids or stripes if at all possible,
Red is also a difficult color for green screen video.
Do not wear large and/or bright jewelry.