Services for Non-Profits
Serving our community non-profits is central to our vision. MCTV provides an array of media services from simple announcements to documentaries at reasonable rates.
Organizational Membership
Organizational Membership is for those non-profit organizations and community groups who want to work with MCTV on a variety of media services. Organizational membership is basically a prepay plan-- the organization joins for $120 and receives $200 in services - a 60% discount. No money beyond membership is paid until the organization has used the $200 in services that comes with membership. Organizations can use MCTV for some bulletin board announcements; some Community Service Announcements; recording an event; training the organization�s staff and/or volunteers in video production; making a video for grant application, and many other types of media production.
To become an Organizational Member, click here.
The standard rates for Community Service Announcements are here.
MCTV provide estimates for our production services as there are too many variables with each production to standardize pricing.
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